Monday 29 March 2010

Time For A Little Romance

I've decided to start work on my own series of short films with Overlook based on classic fairy tales. They are intended to be less than 3 minutes long - suitable for several short film competitions and have my own 'Joey Beard' stamp on them. For anyone, this ultimately means - they will be fluffy, romantic and have a happy ending. I will be writing, directing and producing these little drops of magic and want them to be snippets of eye candy.

I now have my two leads, Samantha Hunt and Craig Malpass on board. My DOP will be Overlook's Anthony O'Callaghan and I am meeting with a design student, Charlotte Stanton later this week who is keen to design the costumes. I'm also very excited about our potential location and I am hoping to secure said beauty spot later this week. Until then, I must keep schtum.

Just wanted to share my general EXCITEMENT! Levels Meeting tonight so more excitement to follow!

Wednesday 24 March 2010

On The Levels

I really love that feeling when you're driving home at night, feeling lighter than air, the world is a beautiful place and everything is right with the world. Don't you?

Tony, John and I (Overlook's Big 3) went to visit Yoho Media last night to discuss the possibility of using the RED camera for The Levels. The Levels is our most recent venture. Story and script by John Faria, it is a contemporary western set in the rural west country. It is a dark and brooding tale of murder, love and family rivalry. First draft is out of the way, business plan is being drafted and plans for test shoots in the summer are well under way.

We came away from our camera meeting buzzing. Talking about all the practicalities of shooting and the finer details of the RED camera made us realise that this is REALLY happening and people believe in what we are trying to do! The meeting aside, the recent launch of our twitter page and facebook fan page also seems to have sparked interest in what we're doing. It's like a slowly building line of cheering spectators along a marathon route. Yet, on the way people are offering to help push us or pull us along to ensure we reach the finish line.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Visiting Old Friends

Last week I was invited to return to Cornwall to conduct a presentation for the 2nd year film students at University College Falmouth.

The problem is....I tend to have some difficulty returning to this seaside town. It holds so many memories and is ultimately where I truly became the person I am today. There is a huge part of me that never really left and leaving again is like tearing those two pieces apart once more.

However, homesickness, nostalgia and soul-splitting aside, I found the process of presenting and compiling my work experience over the last 18 months hugely rewarding. Having just gone through this dreaded winter period of 'what am I doing with my life?' and 'Can I really call myself a film producer?' and 'Am I really any good at this?' it grounded me back into reality. I have evidence (albeit in the form of a classroom powerpoint) that my journey so far has not been a waste of time and a path of progression is steadily emerging.

I was inspired by the dedication and enthusiasm of the students themselves determined to make it in the film world. I really hope that they follow their dreams through as I've seen so many not even leave the front door to start the journey.

It was wonderful to see my tutors again - always encouraging and heartwarmingly, seemingly proud of my achievements to date. I'm glad I've maintained this relationship with Falmouth. Long may it continue.